Wellness coaching: Fitness

It’s now over that 6 week mark that resolutions start to fall off the radar.  So it might be a good time to do a fitness check.  This happens automatically with our finances when we prepare for tax filing, and identify the fitness of our financial status.  Regarding our physical/emotional/mental/spiritual fitness check, I often begin with the “being” part of us: spiritual.  From this core of wellness, our “doing” in the other categories naturally follows.

I just read The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo.  The subtitle is Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have.  Sounds like a mindful coaching phrase.  Actually, it is  365 daily entries that include a quote or text along with stories or words that call us to examine our inner and outer life and,  living in the moment and living from the heart, help us stay vital and in love with this life.  He ends each entry with suggestions on how to apply this to our practice of “being”.  I found it lovely, heartfelt, and solid in guiding us to holistic fitness.  He calls it “a sturdy container for small doses of what matters.”

He is a cancer survivor, and walks the talk.  His entries are proof of his universal human condition/struggle, and a lifelong practice of bringing the body and Spirit more closely together.

So, as you review your weight loss goals, or time management goals you made about 6 weeks ago, you can assess your results from a different perspective – from the inside out.  Well-being is what you’re going after, the inner value.  So the primary goal could look like this:  I choose to experience good energy in my life.  And the feelings/thoughts/behaviors then naturally follow from this goal:  Release negative emotions that deplete my energy/Stay conscious of holding a positive attitude/Exercise and nutritional intake give physical energy.  Too often we try to work an outer program, hoping it will result in our bottom line inner desire: well-being.  Really, it works better by committing to what we really desire, and allowing that value to motivate us to follow through with action that realizes our desire.  So when you step into exercise, you can remember you are stepping into feeling good energy.

Be well!

If you would like more ideas on wellness, click here

Women’s business afloat

There are many ways to float a business.  It all depends on what your purpose is and what your needs are for having the business.  When I went cruising on our sailboat 15 years ago, I had just one vision of how that would look:  leisurely sailing with umbrella drinks every sunset.  Boy was I wrong!  There were as many ways to go cruising as there were sailors!  Some did exactly what I had envisioned.  Some never went off shore.  Some cruised for 6 months and then worked for 6 months (that’s what I did).  Some had their boat meet them at the next big port (they had a captain who cared for the boat in their absence).  Some got to a destination, purchased a condo, and never left.

It strikes me that having a small business is very similar.  We have a vision of what that might look like, based on what we’ve read or heard.  But in reality, it becomes fashioned by what our needs are as well as our purpose for having that business.  Our business is like none other.  For that reason, we can honor its unique value, and we must attend to its unique needs in order to keep it afloat, and actually sail forward.

So there is envisioning – picturing what a successful business means to you.  And there is building – taking the steps necessary to realize your vision.  Businesses sink because these steps are faulty or absent.  Having a plan is the map of steps one must take to get somewhere.  This map should be as rich in information as a chart used for navigating; that means, YOU make the map, and do the research necessary to have all the information you need to confidently move towards your goals.  In some ways, your unique business travels uncharted waters, until you create the plan (map) from your own research and learning from many who have gone before you.

Smooth sailing!

To learn more about sailing your business, click here

Creativity: Imagination

We do not see things as they are.  We see them as we are.        The Talmud

Great art is the outward expression of an inner life in the artist, and this inner life will result in his personal vision of the world.  No amount of skillful invention can replace the essential element of imagination.                        Edward Hopper

Our imagination originates and filters through our unique self.  The unique personality and experiences of a person create the lens through which they see AND CREATE their world.  That is our unique take on the world – that is our unique contribution to the world.  It must be valued, for it is one of a kind.  And it’s from everyone’s contribution that our world is created.   The recent popular phrase “Be the change” could be the imperative following this quote.  Using imagination to initiate change is a creative way to be in the world, as opposed to wishing or waiting for someone else to fix a problem.

Become the master of your fate by making choices that  originate from your imagination and move you into a space of freedom.

Whatever you yearn for, become it. Whatever you wish for, let it be your experience. Stop wishing for anything, just live it!

Let your imagination be the first step.

Click here  to learn more about creativity.

The Truth of Life Coaching

“The way of the Creative is to win others’ hearts through following the truth within ourselves.”    I Ching

Ahhh……the truth within ourselves.  What exactly is that?  Our truth…our true self.  We hear that all the time.  Other words for this may be integrity, sincerity, passion, strengths, authentic self…whatever brings us alive, whatever lights us up, in other words.   Mark Nepo, in The Book of Awakening, states:  “Integrity is the ability to listen to a place inside oneself that doesn’t change, even though the life that carries it may change.”

Life coaching is about identifying this treasure, this essence, and cultivating its expression.  It typically involves uncovering in order to allow the discovering of it.  We have so much layering of quieting or even silencing this inner voice; we first need to be willing to listen , and to countermand the fears that arise when we do listen.  As our essence breaks through the layering and fears, we connect with the unmistakable deep knowing of ourselves We need to be willing to believe that our own inner wisdom, our own truth within ourselves, has a path to vitality for us.  Our first challenge is to listen; our second challenge is to allow our truth to bring form to our essence, our truth…..to deepen and to expand.  It’s our natural path.

Life coaching is a container of deep listening and reflecting; of freeing  your truth; of courage and support to trust your essence; and from your essence, creating form to a life of meaning and joy.

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Do Good

Well-being is as much about giving of yourself as it is about taking care of yourself.  Our acts of kindness and going the extra mile for someone are full of positive energy when they flow out of us naturally – that is, when we are filled up, we naturally overflow our energy onto others.  Sure, we can will ourselves to do the right thing…….and this intention is a good thing……..but the outpouring can happen naturally when we consistently nurture ourselves, and when we choose to share ourselves with others in a positive way.  This giving part of the equation cycles back to us, and works synergistically to increase what flows back for our receiving.  Everybody wins!

In fact, when people feel stuck, feel low energy, feel a “lack of”, giving of yourself when you feel the most empty is the way to turn around this flow of energy.  Doing good reverses the flow energetically.  Your generosity shifts the focus off of your “lack of”,  towards “abundance.” And you realize that you DO have something to give even if you don’t feel like it.  This is the stream you want to be flowing in!

Now I’m not talking about donating big sums of money or spending lots of hours doing something laborious (although there is absolutely nothing wrong with these acts of giving) – I’m suggesting going against yourself when you feel empty to offer a smile – a kind word – a touch….simply consciously reversing the direction of flow outwardly by doing good.  There is much wisdom in doing random acts of kindness.

Do good……it’s good for everyone’s well-being.  That is where our energy is moving – for the good of all.

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Get Plenty of Rest

Winter is conducive to resting.  The darkness and cold naturally take us inward to rejuvenate through rest as opposed to launching a new project – this activity is more in rhythm with spring.  But our rest can have activity that is reflective, reviewing, revising our strategic plan for the new year.  Often we just keep going, just keep doing what we’ve always done for our business.  The end of the year is a great time to review more than the bottom line in our business;  great benefit can be had through taking time to review what is working/not working in the business, and begin to set out plans to make the changes needed to aim more accurately in the next business cycle.

Here are some review questions:  Name the strengths/wins of your business this past year

Name at least 2 challenges you face

Name at least 1 thing that you need to support your business

Reviewing the past is as important as envisioning the future – we can learn from history, from our own history and apply these lessons for greater success in the New Year.


May you have a prosperous and joyful New Year!

Click here for more articles on business coaching.


Creativity is energy, an energy capacity that we are born with, and that we are immersed in.  We often are not conscious of this life force energy all around us, much like fish immersed in water.  It is a mystery; we can see the effects of it, but cannot see the essence of it, much like the wind.  It is like a flicker/flame/fire within us, and it is in our care, much like our earthly bodies.  Being a good steward of our inborn gift, we must kindle this spark and manifest our creativity in our own unique expression.

Winter solstice celebrates light, as do all of the holidays during this season.  We make ice globes at our house to celebrate the Light, and honor the Light within.  May you embrace your creative spark, fuel your creative energies, and manifest your creative expressions, bringing more Light to your world.  Thank you for shining your spirit.

For more light on life matters, click here


As we near the year’s end, many are taking account of work done, profits/loss, etc.  Tracking the plan/goal and how it has progressed is a vital part of seeing your plan through to its outcome.  Discipline is not everyone’s strength.  Many people love to generate new ideas, envision the desired outcome, but then fall short when the effort necessary isn’t put forth or sustained.  Holding yourself accountable to follow through with your action steps is the other bookend to goal achievement.

Woody Allen says that 80% of success is showing up.  That means taking steps consistently to move forward in your goal achievement.  This is the work – grit it is called – that must take place to bring your vision into form.  It is a resolve, a commitment to stay the course, do what is needed to manifest your dream/desire.  It always requires effort but you can push through resistance much easier if you are motivated by your values. For example, it is easier to act on behalf of well-being, feeling energized, and trusting yourself for self-care than it is to think about getting yourself on that treadmill for 30 minutes, just because you set a goal to do this X5/week.  Connecting to your values helps you step towards that good feeling of health rather than having the aversion or feeling the resistance to getting your body moving in walking exercise.

Life coaching often is the structure, the support built in to help you stay the course until you realize your goals.  Essentially, it is a commitment to yourself to keep yourself accountable and actually do what you really want to.  If it was easy, you already would have done it.  But the work, the grit often interferes with making progress.  Other ways to hold yourself accountable are getting a buddy to answer to regarding taking the steps you’ve promised yourself, or doing just a small step to get you started each day – often once you enter the task, the momentum can build for you to continue forward.

Breaking down your tasks into doable steps, getting encouragement and support when you don’t feel like doing the work, and acting focusing on your values, rather than the effort needed, are all vital components to accountability – making an accounting to yourself as you progress towards your success.

If you want more tips, click here

Don’t worry – be happy

Wouldn’t it be nice if it were this easy?  When life strife takes over, our fear can make us think (and feel) the worst.  Engaging with those fears takes us down a slippery slope.  It is easier to choose a different channel right away rather than being taken in by the negativity.  And our reaction, our response to any of life circumstances is ALWAYS a choice.  And when life is really challenging, this choice often is moment by moment.

So what channel is your choice?  Not the fear and worry – rather choose to focus on what you have in your life that you already love, and are grateful for.  Having gratitude for the life you have now is expansive energy; engaging with fear and worry is constricting energy.  Moving into a state of love shifts the energy into a constructive space.  Using this generic completion sentence can guide you to shift the energy:  “Even though I feel _____________, I totally and completely love and accept myself.”  Another version of this could be, “Even though I feel _____________, I choose to focus on what is good in my life.”

Making the choice to be thankful for the life you have created and for what is always being offered to you each day is your task. Investing your energy into acts of love and appreciation for your life and those in your life will expand to give you more of what you want.

And you know what?  Acting happy before you feel happy can be a powerful changer.  I smile a lot…whistle….sing….deeply breathe in the beauty of nature.  All of these actions can shift the energy in our bodies;  we are then broadcasting (and attracting) positive returns.

Don’t worry – be happy.  Sing along with Bobby McFerrin

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Play to Win

In one of the campaign’s central rituals, Mr. Obama played basketball on Tuesday, because he believes that he does not win when he does not play.        Helene Cooper 11-6-2012  NY Times


First, I’m not making a political endorsement in use of this reference to President Obama; I’m simply struck with the universal truth of his belief stated here.   Being “in the game” is a necessary requirement to even enter the possibility of winning.

Using this metaphor as a template for business growth can help you get a handle on where you are as a player.  Is your game (business) of an individual nature or a team game?  Even if you are a solo entrepreneur, you have team players in your support network: bank, accountant, legal, IT, colleagues, etc.  What is your warm-up program, so you show up 100%?  And your maintenance program, so you sustain for the long haul?  Having a business plan, with concrete action steps that move you forward to your win every day, can keep you in the game as a solid player; no matter what the external circumstances you encounter, staying consistent with your plan empowers you in a way that reacting to variables presented outside of your control does not.  Is your game offense or defense?  I hope it is a balance of both, as marketing your products/services is balanced with negotiating the trends/challenges of current circumstances.  And what about taking a long shot (comfort with risk) or reversals (going with an unexpected opportunity)?  And can you learn, even while you are on the bench (time out for business plan review, market study, etc.)?  There are many aspects of the game to attend to.

No matter what level of business you are playing in, these basic game principles can guide you to become the MVP (most valuable player), and lead you to winning the game……..your business success!

click here for more winning tips