It’s now over that 6 week mark that resolutions start to fall off the radar. So it might be a good time to do a fitness check. This happens automatically with our finances when we prepare for tax filing, and identify the fitness of our financial status. Regarding our physical/emotional/mental/spiritual fitness check, I often begin with the “being” part of us: spiritual. From this core of wellness, our “doing” in the other categories naturally follows.
I just read The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo. The subtitle is Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have. Sounds like a mindful coaching phrase. Actually, it is 365 daily entries that include a quote or text along with stories or words that call us to examine our inner and outer life and, living in the moment and living from the heart, help us stay vital and in love with this life. He ends each entry with suggestions on how to apply this to our practice of “being”. I found it lovely, heartfelt, and solid in guiding us to holistic fitness. He calls it “a sturdy container for small doses of what matters.”
He is a cancer survivor, and walks the talk. His entries are proof of his universal human condition/struggle, and a lifelong practice of bringing the body and Spirit more closely together.
So, as you review your weight loss goals, or time management goals you made about 6 weeks ago, you can assess your results from a different perspective – from the inside out. Well-being is what you’re going after, the inner value. So the primary goal could look like this: I choose to experience good energy in my life. And the feelings/thoughts/behaviors then naturally follow from this goal: Release negative emotions that deplete my energy/Stay conscious of holding a positive attitude/Exercise and nutritional intake give physical energy. Too often we try to work an outer program, hoping it will result in our bottom line inner desire: well-being. Really, it works better by committing to what we really desire, and allowing that value to motivate us to follow through with action that realizes our desire. So when you step into exercise, you can remember you are stepping into feeling good energy.
Be well!
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